Bearing Unit Structures (Cousins)

The couscous section

Bearing structures are cast iron cast mechanically.
This type of unit is set in all kinds of structural bearings which are lock with bolt.
There are three types of bearing bodies: UCP, UCF, UCT, UCFC, UCFL.
Type T is a structure with a hole oriented towards the right angle to the axis of the column, and this type is called the “standing” structure, in the structure of this type (PA) the hole is present in the structure itself, in design A it is located on the sides of the structure. The mounting holes in the structures of type F are located in a way parallel to the axis of the column.
F-type rectangular structures have four holes.
Frames type FL have a flattened oval shape and have two mounting holes.
FC hulls have four mounting holes.
Structures that are distinguished by their type of T type, known as tension-adjusting structures through a special stabilizer, and this is one of the most important distinguishing features of this type.
All frames are made of galvanized steel and are equipped with a greasing channel, though we pay attention to the correct position of the greasing channel and the holes on the bearing installed. The method of organizing conventions on bearing units is a system of symbols for ready-to-use bearing units developed on the basis of a complex of symbols for different parts of bearing structures.


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